But first Coffee!

Hello, again Bloggers! Thank you so much for stopping and having an interest in my posts. Before we start, go ahead and grab yourself a cup of hot coffee.

Today's topic: But first, coffee!

Of course, we have to be holding our favorite coffee cup with our favorite coffee in it. Grab a snack if you want.

I’ve been drinking coffee for as long as I can remember and I just discovered today that coffee came from Africa and I love Africa. It’s one of my favorite countries. That’s like a wow moment for me because I love Africa and my favorite animal is the male lion.


Anyways, how much of coffee do you drink in one day? Two cups, four cups, maybe you drink only one cup. I drink three cups of coffee every morning. But when I’m in the mood and my creative juice is flowing, I drink more. I love the taste of coffee in the mornings. It helps me start a whole a new day.


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